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In response to criticism, WhatsApp launched a global privacy campaign

WhatsApp launched its first global marketing campaign in response to strong user criticism of the messenger’s privacy changes. Company officials say their campaign is designed to reiterate their commitment to privacy.
Will Cathcart, the president of WhatsApp, says that their campaign was formed in part in response to criticism, but now is a good opportunity to emphasize the security of the encryption system of this messenger: “Our goal is to directly talk to people about the privacy benefits of our encryption system. We want to translate the term two-way encryption, which is a complex and ambiguous term, for people.”
This WhatsApp senior official added: “With privacy and encryption under attack in different parts of the world, we think it’s important that consumers know what they’re on and what’s at stake.”
British Home Secretary Priti Patel has criticized Facebook’s decision to extend WhatsApp’s two-way encryption system to Instagram, saying that it puts children at risk, publishes illegal content and creates a hiding place for abusers and criminals.
Mr. Cathcart acknowledged that some people still have questions about the encryption system, but argued that those who criticize encryption ignore its benefits: “It’s a very vital tool for journalists, activists and whistleblowers. We think people know that, but it has to be said that this tool is much more necessary than words. Everyone should benefit from encryption.”
WhatsApp’s privacy policy changes last year led many to believe that the company was planning to share users’ messages with Facebook.

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