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Pinterest; Social network of tasteful and creative people

If you are asked to name a social network that focuses more on photo sharing, you will undoubtedly say Instagram; Which of course makes sense. Instagram has nearly one billion active users in the world, more than 24 million of them are Iranian.
But Instagram is not the only image-oriented social network. A platform called Pinterest consists of a collection of images that are perhaps even more beautiful than those published on Instagram. Why?
Because Instagram encourages the user to post their own photos, and it is a bitter reality that all users of this popular social network, contrary to what they think, are not very good at photography; For this reason, it is very likely that you will come across a variety of personal photos of low quality and devoid of any aesthetic principle on Instagram.
Pinterest is a place to discover and collect creative ideas
But Pinterest’s mission is different. Instead of encouraging the user to share his photography masterpieces, this social network gives him a space to collect the masterpieces of others according to his taste and interests; Like a collection of creative and attractive ideas.
Pinterest is ideal for people who love ideas and creativity or looking for infographics and practical tutorials. Like Instagram, you can have thousands of followers on Pinterest and even advertise your business. And indeed, on Pinterest there is no news of celebrities and their absolute rule, which do not allow ordinary users to express themselves.
Here, everyone has the same chance to succeed and be seen; Maybe because on Pinterest it is not you who is seen, but your interests are seen. And the more regular and tasteful you are in collecting images, the more interaction other users will have with your photo collection. In fact, it can be said that Pinterest is a place for tasteful people.

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